How To Wear An Ergonomic Backpacks For School Children
While adults feel that they may be strong enough to load up their backpacks as much as possible so that nothing has to be carried in their hands, this doesn’t do them any favours. And while children use backpacks for school, they don’t have the relevant knowledge to ensure that they are packing and carrying their backpacks correctly.
The danger with both of these is that it results in the body having to compensate for the load, which can have long term effects on posture as well as the potential risk of a more immediate injury.
Many parents often purchase a larger backpack for their child so that they can utilise its space as they grow older and have it last for many years, however oversized backpacks can cause pulling and strains on soft tissues that otherwise wouldn’t occur.
What makes a crummy backpack?
Poor fitting of the lumbar pad within your lower back curvature leading to inadequate support; Or, the bag sits too high which can force the head to become positioned forward, causing neck strain.
So how should I wear it to avoid back pain?
Always use both shoulder straps- Wearing a bag with only one should strap curves the spine unnaturally, putting stress on the whole body.
Pack heaviest objects into the backpack first so they are carried lower and closest to the body
Adjust the straps to fit the backpack snugly to the body
Hold the bottom of the backpack 2 inches above the waist and keeping the top just below the base of the skull; do not carry the backpack low near the buttocks
Do not lean forward when walking; if this is necessary, there is too much weight in the backpack- Studies suggest that backpack weight should be limited to 10-15% of your overall bodyweight.
Pro health tip!
Clean out the backpack at least once a week so that you aren’t carrying any unnecessary, extra weight!
Is your child complaining of back pain?
If your child is complaining of back pain, bring them to see me.
Osteopathy uses a unique combination of soft tissue massage, joint manipulation, and stretching to reduce pain and improve mobility. It also includes education and lifestyle advice, to help prevent further episodes of pain from developing. Osteopaths will work closely with parents to ensure the child is comfortable and relaxed throughout treatment.
Osteopathic treatment is tailored to each individual child, taking into account their age and developmental level. Osteopaths can also identify any issues that may be contributing to back pain, and provide advice on how to prevent the issue from reoccurring.
By providing early intervention, osteopathy can help to reduce pain and improve mobility and posture in children. Regular treatment can help to prevent the onset of back pain, as well as improve an already present issue.